The Dog Sitter, how to choose the right one

Looking for a dog sitter isn’t always easy. How to understand if it is the right one for our dog? In this article we tell you how to do it
September is the month of recovery, of returning to work, to family commitments, to everyday life. But is it always like this? Absolutely not.
Sometimes September is also the month of changes: new work shifts for example, a change of office further away from home, and so on. Changes that often overturn old habits.
So, how can we reprogram new habits with our dog’s needs? Of course, we use a Dog sitter.
But it’s not always that easy, especially for those who are dealing with this figure for the first time. As with the baby sitter, in fact, the search for a dog sitter can cause a certain apprehension. It’s normal to wonder how to hire the right person to entrust your dog to.
But don’t worry, in this article we give you some tips on how to evaluate a good dog sitter.
The job of a dog sitter
Before delving into the discussion, let’s focus for a moment on what exactly this figure does and what skills he or she must have.
It should be noted, however, that to be a dog sitter a specific certification or license is not required, even if there are professional training courses that would be good follow if you intend to carry out this beautiful profession. In fact, improvisation almost never leads to anything good.
Coming back to us, the pet sitter is a person who spends his time providing assistance to other people’s dogs and cats, in the latter case we have a what to do with a cat sitter. In both cases she provides for their daily needs or occasionally at the request of the owners.
The dog sitter knows how to take care of your dog
The dog sitter therefore replaces the owners when they are busy at work or for other reasons. His job is to take the dog for a walk, feed him, make him play and maybe make him pay a visit to the vet.
Another aspect that should not be underestimated is the attention you must pay to the cleaning of your pet.
A good dog sitter will take them to the groomer or will do the washing himself. Then, if we want to be honest, good pet sitters keep up to date on the best cosmetic products suitable for fur of the dog and the cat.
Maybe they are also excellent connoisseurs of our Aries product lines knowing which ones are right for them.
In conclusion, the dog sitter must not only know how to enter into symbiosis with your dog, but must also know its physical and temperamental needs.
Difference between qualified and unqualified dog sitters
Having said this, it goes without saying to evaluate which and how many experiences, perhaps proven and complete with positive references, the person has acquired to whom we temporarily entrust our dog.
This is because in the field of dog setting there are those who are highly qualified previous experience and there are those, such as many young people for example, who lend themselves to giving help of this type for the first time.
In this case they are certainly people who love dogs, but unfortunately this does not make them capable of dealing with any situation that arises before them, especially if Fido has special needs.
Just as it is not certain that those who have followed a training course are.
Qualified or not, not all dog sitters have had to deal with different dog breeds. Nor does it mean that they have had experience with dogs with a certain nature or with a problematic personal past. So what to do?
How to understand if the dog sitter is right for your dog
To avoid making mistakes when selecting a dog sitter, the first thing to do is to explain to the pet sitter what your dog’s needs are, specifying the physical characteristics, his personality and, if there are any, character problems.
Let’s take an example. If the dog is a large size, muscular and strong with a lively or aggressive temperament, you will need a person capable of asserting himself, knowing how to manage and keep the situation under control, especially in the face of unexpected events.
Then clarify which tasks the dog sitter must carry out. That is, the number of times he has to take the dog out, the daily doses of food he has to give him, what type of games he prefers and, importantly, how to calm him down if he gets anxious or nervous.
To establish a relationship based on trust, it is good to be clear from the beginning.
The dog is the litmus test
In addition to the suggestions listed above, the real litmus test to understand if the dog sitter is the right one is your dog. He is the one who will reveal to you if you have chosen well. As?
Once you have found the person who will take care of him, observe your furry friend’s behavior for a few days. </ span> Check his moods, whether he is nervous and anxious or instead melancholic. In short, if there is something wrong with him.
Mind you, it’s not that unusual that the dog experiences changes in his routine with concern. However, if you notice a certain prolonged discomfort in him, consider it an alarm bell.
If, however, his behavior does not cause concern, then it means that in your absence you will leave him in good hands.